CheckBoxList Control


Displays a list of checkboxes. Choices can be filtered and sorted.


The CheckBoxList control displays a list of choices. The list of choices is easily filtered or sorted and multiple items in the CheckBoxList can be selected.

CheckBoxList control
CheckBoxList control

To add a CheckBoxList control to your UX component, click the [More...] item in the Data Controls section in the UX builder.

The Data Controls section with the More button highlighted
Access additional Data Controls by clicking [More...]

Or, click the Add Control button, search for "CheckBoxList", and click the CheckBoxList control to add it to the UX layout.

Add Control dialog
Add Control dialog

To configure the CheckBoxList control, open the builder by clicking the smart field button for Control properties or double-click the CheckBoxList control. This will open the CheckBox List Builder.

CheckBox List Builder
CheckBox List Builder

Important properties that you can set in the builder include:

Method for defining choices

Can be a static list of data, data from a SQL query, or data returned by a Xbasic function.

Row template

The template that controls the appearance of each row in the list. The template is any HTML that you want, with placeholders for fields in the data. The template is the same as the template in a List control that uses a freeform layout.


The field that determines the 'value' return by the control. For example, if you have selected 3 rows in the CheckBoxList and the value for the control is the CustomerId field, then the value of the control would be an array with 3 items. Each item in the array would be the CustomerId value for the selected row.


Indicates if the List can be filtered.


Indicates if the List can be sorted. You can specify a default sort field. You can also specify up to 5 additional sort fields in the Optional Sort Fields properties.

Selected items

Can be used to sort selected items to the top of the list.

Filtering and Sorting

If sorting is enabled, the CheckBoxList includes a Sort By button. Clicking the sort button exposes the sorting options. The sort fields shown are configured in the Optional Sort Fields.

Expanding the sort options
Expanding the sort options

Selected Items

You can control whether selected items are show at the top of the list or in place using the Selected items properties. If selected items are shown at the top of the list, you can add custom styling for the container where selected items are shown.

Selected Items sorted to the top of the list
Selected Items sorted to the top of the list

Client-side Methods

The CheckBoxList control is a List control with a custom UI for editing the control's properties. Methods in the UX component and the List control's client-side API can be used to manipulate the CheckBoxList in client-side events and scripts.


Using the CheckboxList control to select rows in a List

The CheckBoxList control allows you to quickly select multiple items, much list a multi-select Select control, a checkbox control, a multi-select List control, or any other control that allows multiple selections, but it presents a very intuitive interface to the user.

In this video, we show how the CheckBoxList control is configured and is used to select records in a List.

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See Also